
I’ll be pulling old content originally published on this site from my backups. All migrated content will have the original publishing date which explains why there is content before the launch announcement.

I also migrated one story from Reddit, I used several usernames and was in the habit of deleting stuff after a few days. I have one other story I copied to a word doc that I’ll post soon, the rest, I can probably rewrite.

Lastly, I’ll be posting hand written content And content from my phone and tablets.

For content without a date, it’s going to be a best effort as to when it was published.

All the existing vegan info, remote work / freelance info, and other miscellaneous content will be posted here first and broken out into different domains later.

Hope everyone that visits finds the information useful and well organized. I know there is a wide breadth of topics. I get bored easily and like to explore as it makes life interesting. In the end, I stick with what I like, sometimes obsessively. Hope you find a couple things here to keep you entertained for a while.

